Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Vice Royalty of Aragon

The Vice Royalty of Aragon will be our first stop in the Andalusian Reach

The Vice-Royal Capitol of Aragon has a type 9 world government, an impersonal bureaucracy.  That seems like a good government for the Vice-Royalty as a whole.  Checking the Traveler wiki ( at )gave me some more good ideas.  The government's power source is an oligarchy that is part of the bureaucracy.  In addition, the power structure of the government could be a hegemony, for governments of this type that span multiple systems.

An oligarchy?  Let's about a small number of leading families that run the bureaucracy.  Not necessarily noble houses...these families just go to the right schools.  How about seven families.  That should also give us scope for some political infighting between them.

As far as being a hegemony?  Hmm...perhaps things are run from Aragon.  With little local control.

Some interesting things to think about.

So, Here's the color text for our guidebook to the Andalusian Reach.

 Vice Royalty of Aragon – a polity with a total of 36 systems.  The Vice Royalty controls the bulk of the Aragon subsector.  There are some worlds still disputed with the revolutionary People's Republic of Burbank.  However, hostilities have not broken out in more than two decades.

The Vice-Regal government is an impersonal bureaucracy presiding over the various worlds.  A oligarchic few control the area in a Hegemony led from the Aragon system.

The highest tech level is Jarandilla at E (TL 14)
The highest population Is Jarandilla at A ( with 30 Billion people)

Shipyards exist at the following locations 

Santander (TL C)
Aragon (TL B)
Valladolid (TL A)
Salamanca (TL 8)

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