Our next "System of the Week", is Requena.
Requena (Aragon 0104) is a pre-stellar technology system in the Vice Royalty of Aragon.
The starport is a Class C facility. While able to perform major repairs, the Requena Downport cannot construct new ships, nor sell refined fuel. There is a Travellers Aid Society facility, but it is limited.
Requena is medium sized. With a diameter of 7,300 Kilometers. The atmosphere is a type 4 thin-tainted atmosphere, that requires a filter mask for outdoor activities. The Hydrosphere is 52%.
Map courtesy of the map generator at http://donjon.bin.sh/scifi/world/
With a population of 10,000, the Government is a captive government, controlled directly by the Vice-Royalty itself. This results in a impersonal buraucracy running the system, with very little local input. The Law level of 3 reflects a lack of tight control by the Vice-Royalty.
Technology level is 6 - Atomic era.
Requina is in the process of being colonized by the Vice-Royalty. Only minor terraforming is in progress at this time. The tainted atmosphere is one of the side effects of attempts to thicken the atmosphere and create a garden world.
The colonization effort had been larger, but during the last war with The People's Republic of Burbank, the Vice-Royalty reduced the workforce drastically. This pushed back the terraforming schedule, and has resulted in the atmosphere getting worse. There have been calls in some circles to re-prioritize the project, but they have not been answered. Meanwhile, the small population continues in caretaker mode.
The roughly cretaceous-era fauna on Requena necessitate a lighter control on personal weapons than the Vice-Royalty might otherwise wish. Some off-world visitors do come here for hunting safaris. Some of them even return off-world...but they system is not classified Amber Zone, as the single major settlement is defended by a dedicated security team.
This world is classified as Non-Industrial, due to the lack of high-tech manufacturing.
For the Referee -
Requena 0104 C546463-6 S Ni 113 Ar
Starport – Class C
Size – 5 - 7,200-8,7Kms
Atmosphere – 4 – Thin and Tainted
Hydrosphere – 5 – Wet world 45-54% Water coverage
Population 4 – Moderate 10,000 to 100,000
Government – 6 Captive government or colony
Law Level – 3 Low law level. Automatic weapons prohibited
Tech Level – 6 - Atomic era
Scout base, Non-Industrial world
Population Modifier – 1, 10,000 people on planet
One Planetoid belt
3 Gas Giants
Per Capita gnp = 4,000x0.08 = 3200 Cr
GNP = 32 Mcr
Military budget = 960,000
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