Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Map of the Vice Royalty of Aragon

The Sector map for the entire Andalusian Reach is not as readable as I wanted here.  So, I grabbed the Gimp, and sliced out the part that is relevant right now.

Please note that the Vice-Royalty used to cover both the Aragon and Burbank sub-sectors.  However, at some point recently the People's Republic of Burbank fought a successful revolutionary war to break free of the Vice Royalty.  Which adds to the adventure and background potentials for our heroes.  A war about 20 or so years ago, and an ongoing cold war to keep things stirred up.

If you aren't familiar with the Traveller star mapping icons, The large letter is the starport type.  Class A is the best, with shipyards and repair facilities.  Class B has only repair facilities, Class C can sell you refined fuel, Class D can sell unrefined Hydrogen, Class E are cleared spots on the surface, and Class X are restricted worlds. 

Yes, I am simplifying.

A Star is a Naval Base, a triangle is a Scout Service base, a dot is a gas giant that can be used for frontier refuelling (Scooping up hydrogen gas for fuel).

A yellow circle about the system reflects that the system is under an Amber Zone travel advisory.  A red circle reflects a restricted system.

We'll be looking at Aragon for a bit.

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