Our next System of the Week is a favorite of mine so far. Cowboys and rangewars! In SPAAAACE!!!
Santander (Aragon 0105) has a Class A starport. Starships may be constructed here, but the Jimenez Spaceyard is quite small, and can only construct 60 tons of hull in a single month. Despite this they have made quite a name for themselves in the small luxury ship market.
Santander is 7536 Km in diameter, with a thin, tainted atmosphere, and 32% Hydrosphere.
(Map courtesy of the map generator at http://donjon.bin.sh/scifi/world/ )
The tainted atmosphere reflects common dust storms, rather
than actual chemical contaminants. Locals are used to the dust, and
with Bandannas or simple filter masks can deal. The livestock can
handle the dust fine. Offworlders report allergic reactions, or other
difficulties until they are acclimated.
Santander has a population of 60, 000. The Government is a Balkanized system. Overall Law Level is 5, with personal concealable firearms prohibited.
Tech Level is 12, an Average Stellar technology level.
Santander's system includes three planetoid belts, and 4 gas giants. The Vice-Royalty maintains both Scout and Naval bases in the Santander system
Santander is classified as a Non-Industrial and Poor world. The Per Capita GNP is 10,240Cr, with a GNP of 614 MCr. The annual total military budget is 18.432 Mcr.
Despite the Travelers Aid Society classifying Santander as "Balkanized" there is a central government. However it is quite weak. There are six major "Haciendas", or large private landed estates, which run cattle, sheep, and other herd animals on the open rangeland of Santander. The Central Government controls the Downport, and little else. The Haciendas usually co-exist peacefully. However, there have been range wars in the past 50 years. The TAS Classified Santander as "Amber" travel status until as recently as five years ago. This travel status was upgraded back to normal at that time.
For the Referee.
Santander 0105 A543475-C 2 Ni Po 634 Ar
Starport – Class A
Size – 5
Atmosphere – 4
Hydrosphere – 3
Population 4
Government – 7
Law Level – 5
Tech Level – C
Population Modifier – 6
Three Planetoid belts
4 Gas Giants
Scout and Naval bases
Non-Industrial and Poor world
Per Capita GNP = 10,240
GNP = 614.4 Mcr
Military budget = 18.432 Mcr
This world is one of my favorites so far. The combination of low population and low water percentage seemed to evoke a western feel. And the image of High-tech vaqueros or gauchos riding grav-cycles is too much to resist.
RAW for a balkanized world would take the starport and break it up among the world powers. With such a small population, I made the tweak that the entire shipyard was under one entity. This didn't seem to affect much strategically, since the production rate is so low.
Also, I fudged the overall military budget in a similar manner. It will be broken up amongst the Haciendos to use for their own private armies.
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