Aragon (Aragon 0209) Has a Class A starport. The various shipyards have a combined total capacity of 4,600,000 Tons / Month peacetime construction. In addition, the repair yards can perform any needed level of repairs, either on orbit, or at one of the downports on Aragon itself. Refined and unrefined fuel are both available for purchase here.
Aragon is a medium sized world, with a diameter of 7826Km. The very thin atmosphere requires compressor masks to ensure humans can breathe when outside of protective domes. Aragon is a wet world, with 72% of the surface covered by water.
(Map courtesy of the map generator at )
Aragon has a population of 4 billion people. The Government is an impersonal buraucracy. The Law level of 9 bans weapons outside the home The Tech Level of 11 is an average stellar technology.
Aragon is a high population world, that is also the capitol of the Vice-Royalty of Aragon. The Naval base in system is the headquarters for the Armada of Aragon.
Aragon's system has one planetoid belt and one gas giant.
Seen by many as the shining star at the center of the Vice-Royalty, Aragon does seem to live up to it's billing. Due to the low atmospheric pressure, the population is mostly housed in several arcologies across the surface of the world. The capitol of the Vice-Royalty is housed in one such arcology. The Palace is said by some to be the epitome of the New Catalan Modernism that is the Vice-Royalty's official architectural style.
With a gross GDP of 560,000,000 MCr, Aragon supports a military budget of 1,680,000 MCr for local defense alone. A maximum establishment for the local army of 2000 (!) divisions is mostly deployed throughout the Vice-Royalty on various peacekeeping and local defense missions. However, actual troop strength is believed to be much smaller. The Armada is the primary defensive arm for the Vice-Royalty
Aragon was settled early, and grew to it's present size over time. There is trade with other systems, manufacturing, and some resource extraction.
For the referee
Aragon 0209 A537999-B N Hi Cp 411 Ar
Starport A
Size 5, Medium sized. 7,200 -8,799Km Dia.
Atmosphere 3 Very Thin Atmosphere
Hydrosphere 7, Wet world, 65%-74% surface water
Population 9, High population, 1 -10 Billion people.
Government 9, Impersonal Buraucracy
Law level 9 High Law level, no weapons outside the home
Tech Level B (11) Average Stellar technology level
Population modifier - 4, 4 Billion people
Planetoid belts - 1
Gas Giants - 1
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